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Craig Quaglia Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist .
Most of my patients often find me after trying many of the more traditional approaches in hopes that I can somehow improve their quality of life. I am happy to say they are often surprised at the end results.
The Reasons Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy Works
- It is supported by rich body of research spanning 60 plus years which continues today and it is a Drug Free Approach!
- You and I together Map out your pain along with a through history and assessment.
- Skillful palpation of the musculoskeletal tissue to define areas of taut bands and hyperirritable points along with radiating and referring pain patterns and the unique characteristics that make up each individual Trigger Point.
- Next is the systematic application of Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy to resolve pain and deactivate trigger points.
- Followed by a well-designed Self Care approach with the appropriate tools and exercises to Empower you to maintain and prevent Myofascial and Trigger Point re-activation in the future.
- All to Facilitate a return to a pain free productive life.
Myo- is Greek for of muscle; relating to muscle.
Fascia- a matrix of fibrous connective tissue occurring in sheets beneath the surface of the skin and between muscles and groups of muscles;
A Trigger Point is a focus of hyperirritable point in the tissue that is locally tender and hypersensitive. Trigger points can be found in skin, fascia, ligaments and periosteal (bone).
Goal: Resolve Myofascial and Trigger Point Pain!
- The more your body begins to see it as normal as it continues to adapt to musculoskeletal pain
- Your body recruits other muscles to into the pain pattern
- Myofascial and Trigger Point Activation continues resulting in more dysfunction.
- Myofascial and Trigger Point activation negatively impact the quality of life on all levels.
- I work with the patient on a pain scale of 1-10, never going higher than 5/10.
- Too much pressure and the body will do what is normal, it will resist while protecting surrounding tissue. Your feedback is very important and valued.
- The correct amount of pressure allows the trigger point and fascia to relax inviting me to modulate the pressure until the fascia releases and the trigger point is resolved.
- Patiently waiting for the tissue to invite me to apply more pressure until the fascia and trigger points are resolved along with radiating and referring pain.
- Finish off with a heat pack and stretches
The real secret to success is EMPOWERING the patient to take control of their pain by applying the appropriate self care techniques and changing the response to pain.